OmniWeb Help

OmniWeb Help : Reference : Windows & Panels

Windows & Panels

The following is an overview of most windows and panels that appear in OmniWeb.

HTTP Authentication Panel

The HTTP Authentication panel (may also appear as a sheet)

Some websites require authorization in order to gain access to them. While this is frequently done by entering credentials into a form on a web page, some sites use what's called HTTP Authentication. When you try to connect to a page or site that requires authorization, a sheet or dialog will appear asking you to enter your username and password. A checkbox on this dialog allows you to tell OmniWeb to save the information you enter securely in your Keychain. Once you have done this, OmniWeb will no longer prompt you for this information but instead will automatically access your Keychain for the information whenever you visit the site in the future.

Licenses Window

The Licenses window

The Licenses window allows you to inspect, install, and delete your OmniWeb licenses.

To install a license that you've purchased:

  1. Choose Licenses... from the OmniWeb (application) menu to show the Licenses window.
  2. Click the Add Licenses... button.
  3. In the sheet that appears, type the Owner and License Key information (exactly as you recieved it) into the blanks, and click Save. Or, if you received a license as a .omnilicense file, just drag that file into the Licenses panel.

For information about how Omni's licenses work, see To buy licenses (or if you've forgotten your license key), visit the Omni online store, email us at, or call us at 800-315-OMNI or 206-523-4152 x100.

Downloads Window

The downloads window displays active, paused, and completed downloads. The configurable toolbar offers several functions for managing these downloads. See the section on customizing OmniWeb's toolbars for more information on each of these, including pausing and resuming of downloads.

Using Downloads preferences, you can control how long downloaded items are remembered for, when the downloads window hides and shows itself, as well as what applications you want to allow to launch for handling downloaded files.

While a download is running, progress will be displayed both in the form of a progress bar as well as information below the filename that indicates the amount of data downloaded, the size of the complete file (if possible), estimated time remaining (if possible) as well as the average speed of the file transfer.

In the downloads list, you can select a download to see the location that it came from and where it is located on your local hard disk. (You may need to click the Show Details disclosure triangle to see the information.) Double-clicking the icon for a download opens the file just like double-clicking the file in Finder would do. In addition to the functions available on the toolbar, you can also use the delete key to remove selected files from the list.

Just drag a link to the downloads window to start downloading the file that the link points to. It's an easy way to quickly start a download!

Network Activity Window

The Network Activity window

This window can be opened by choosing Network Activity (⇧⌘A) from the Window menu. You can also easily open the panel by clicking on the progress indicator on browser windows.

All of the connections that OmniWeb makes to servers on the internet, as well as some internal OmniWeb processes are displayed
in this window as they happen. These include:

You can click an item in this window to view the status of the operation at the bottom of the panel. When an item is selected, it can also be stopped using the Stop button.

Page Info panel

The Page Info panel

The Page Info panel can be invoked in the following ways when viewing a web page:

Choose Show Page Info from the View menu.

The panel appears in the lower portion of the browser window and lists all resources that make up the page, along with some useful information about each one.

Three buttons along the bottom of the window allow you perform actions on the selected item(s) in the list. You can:

The search field at the bottom right hand side of the panel allows you to filter the resources listed. Simply type in your search and hit the Enter or Return key.

Use the Copy (⌘C) command in the Edit menu to copy the URL for any selected resources.

Error Log Window

Often when OmniWeb encounters an error, it will add descriptive information about the error to the Error Log window. OmniWeb also logs other kinds of messages that are for informational purposes. These errors and additional information may be of use to web developers and can also help OmniWeb Support Ninjas to diagnose any problems you encounter while browsing the web or while using OmniWeb.

To show the Error Log window, choose Error Log (⇧⌘L) from the Window menu.

If Show HTTP requests is checked, the Error Log will also show detailed HTTP protocol information which again can be useful for web developers and OmniWeb Support Ninjas.

Click Clear Log to clear all the text from the log window. This is especially useful when trying to get debugging information from the window. Clearing the log and then reloading the page or performing the troublesome action may cause new messages to be logged that will be easier to identify when the log window is clean.

JavaScript Console

The JavaScript Console

Developers of web content may find OmniWeb's JavaScript Console useful. The JavaScript Console keeps a log of all JavaScript code which has been run in a given page, as well as any errors which may have occurred during a script's execution.

To show the JavaScript Console, choose JavaScript Console from the Window menu.

The Pages button shows and hides the Pages drawer. This contains a list of every page currently being displayed by OmniWeb. You can click on a page in the drawer to inspect the JavaScript log for that page.

The Clear Log button will empty the log for the selected page. This helps to reduce clutter while you're debugging scripts.

The large text field in the middle of the JavaScript console is the log. This is where execution results and errors are displayed.

To evaluate a JavaScript statement, type it in the text field at the bottom of the JavaScript Console and then click the Evaluate button. The JavaScript will execute in the context of the selected page, and the result of the statement(s) will be displayed in the log.

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